Our Team
At CIR, we know that good work is accomplished by dedicated individuals who are encouraged to let their numerous talents shine. Our staff are dedicated to the excellent planning and implementation of human service training projects. These highly-qualified people come from diverse backgrounds and bring a wide array of expertise to the work we do.
We are not afraid to tackle difficult social issues and we also know when to stop, take a breath, and have a little fun. We embrace our agency’s vision of giving professionals that serve children, families, and communities the knowledge, skills, and training to act in a holistic and culturally-responsive manner. Thus, our office environment is far from typical. On any given day we may be accompanied by a mixture of furry friends, studying tweens, and/or sleeping babies.
Executive Director
"Life is meant for spectacular adventures. Let your feet wander, your eyes marvel, and your soul ignite." -Anonymous
Greater Bay Area CAPC Coalition
“The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better.”
- Robert F. Kennedy
Project Coordinator
“It is a wonderful truth that things we want most in life...are most easily attained by giving them to others."
- Isabel Allende
Project Coordinator
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater."
- J.R.R. Tolkien
Project Assistant
"Decide what is yours to hold and let the rest go. Oftentimes the good things in your life are lighter anyway, so there’s more room for them.”
-Taylor Swift
Project Assistant
"Every now and then it's good to stop climbing and appreciate the view from right where you are."
- Lori Deschene