Office Hours
Office Hours will be offered by Subject Matter Experts for victim service providers to have one-on-one question and answer time regarding specific practices, strategies and/or unique issues in service delivery.
Strategies Handouts
Effective Service Delivery to Underserved Populations - a series of handouts that will offer strategies for working with each specific victim group. The intent of this resource is provide a tool that will encourage providers to change the way they deliver services to these target groups on each specific topic.
FAQ Sheets
Following each Ask the Expert session, a frequently asked questions (FAQ) sheet will be developed using the questions and answers from the live session. These FAQ sheets will be available for download to share with others with your organization or agency. Additionally, during the Office Hours, if there were general (not case specific) questions asked of our trainers that may be of value to others, a FAQ sheet will be developed for that topic area.
Supplemental Guides for Webinars
Webinars provide a short training opportunity for service providers to increase their skills and are available to watch live or view at a later time. To enhance the learning at each webinar, a supplemental guide is developed with relevant articles and websites.
Victims with Disabilities
Male Victims
LGBTQ Victims
Foster Youth Victims